‘Uber Play’

The Challenge

While many companies are sending messages of 'togetherness' during the Covid-19 pandemic, how can Uber creatively respond to Covid-19?

The Insight

The majority of Uber users fall between ages 16-24, and many of these users have expressed that their main concern is keeping themselves entertained while stuck at home during quarantine.

The Strategy

We added a 'Play' element to the Uber app, so that users can log into the app to play a geographically-realistic online racing game that utilises Uber’s existing GPS and map features. Virtual races take place within a selected region, and can be connected to other users playing through the ride-sharing app. In these games, accumulation of points will also unlock various rewards, such as Uber Eats discounts.

While Uber's service has always provided a means to travel to another destination, socialise, and meet with friends, Uber can now bring its users this same entertainment value and togetherness, but safely from home.


‘Soothers Ultimate Comfort’

The Challenge

Sell more Soothers during the winter flu season, and build trust around the product during Covid-19.

The Insight

People buy non-essential “comforting” products like throat lozenges when they’re caring for others who are sick, but not for themselves.

The Strategy

To overcome the belief that buying Soothers is unnecessary, we emphasized Soothers’ comforting properties as opposed to its medicinal properties, by positioning it as the most thoughtful product for people caring for others who are sick.

We designed new product packaging that allowed Soothers to be shared easily, and sanitarily, as lozenges are contained within individual wrappers. On the inside of each wrapper a “Happy Fact” is displayed. These Happy Facts were also used in our OOH advertisements, to inspire joy and perk up those feeling unwell.


‘Cadbury Christmas’

The Challenge

Sell more Cadbury across Australia in the lead up to Christmas.

The Insight

People gift chocolate when they don't know what else to give someone, but still want to show that they're thinking of them.

The Strategy

We will get Australians to buy more Cadbury in the lead up to Christmas by positioning it as the go-to, simple gift of gratitude. We’ll encourage Australians to buy Cadbury for the people in their life who they might not buy an extravagant gift, but still want to remember. To do so, we leveraged out-of-home media spaces, particularly in shopping centres.

We also created a product extension, by including Cadbury “Thank You” Cards which are included with purchases of select Cadbury products.



The Challenge

How do you share Covid-19 safety information with the younger demographic?

The Insight

Teenagers aren't tuning into traditional news networks anymore, instead they receive their news updates through various forms of social media.

The Strategy

We decided to combine important Covid updates with astrology horoscopes, through the witty, informative app 'Cov-Stellar'.

Once users have downloaded the app, they’ll enter their location and birthdate to receive Covid- informed, yet individualised daily horoscopes and updates.